"Anjuman" means "Majlis" or "Readers Forum". On the other hand The Monthly "Al Baiyinaat" is the most famous and popular islamic magazine published from Bangladesh. So, the "Anjuman-e Al Baiyinaat" means the readers forum of The Monthly "Al Baiyinaat".
Imamul Aiyimmah, Muhissunnah, Kutubul Alam, Gawsul A'zam, Habibe A'zam, Faruque A'zam, Muzaddide A'zam of the Present 15th Hizri Century Shah Sufi Shayikh Hazarat Murshid Qeebla (Mudda Zilluhul Ali), Rajarbag sharif, Dhaka, Bangladesh, is the founder and Director of The Monthly "Al Baiyinaat".