1. It is approved by thousands of Hadith sharif that taking photo (of living beings/animals) is haram (prohibitted). To term any 'Haram' as 'Halal' is 'Kufri' (committing kufri). If a Muslim terms any 'Haram' as 'Halal' then he will become 'Murtad' (Religious outcast).
2. We are Muslim, Mu'min, Mutta'qi. Being a Muslim, it is completely violation of Shariat to take name as "fundamentalist".
3. Those who deny the clear directions of Shariat are 'Kaafir' (non-believer) like 'Kadiani', that is, they are the new form of 'Kadiani'.
4. It is haram for women to perform salat in Jamat going to Jumuwa Masjid and Eid-gah (Place of saying salat of Eid).
5. The Weekly 2000 which compared 'Kabaa Sharif' with 'Dance House' still has not sought forgiveness. Its editor, publisher, writer are Murtad (Religious outcast). According to shariat, if a Murtad does not make 'Tawbah' within 3 days, his punishment is death penalty. The 'Ulamaye Soo' are playing role of silent devil on this issue.
6. Even the magazine named 'Kishor Kontho' of Jamat-Shibir have done mockery with the name of Huzur-i-Pak Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Until making public "Tawbah" they will be termed as Murtad. They have shown the Jews & Christians the way of disregarding Islam.
7. Matiur, The editor of 'Prothom-Alo' is firm on his activities of Murtad. These happenings are the test cases of Jews & Christians. Khatib Ubai of the Baitul Muqarram Masjid is not any authority of Islam rather he himself is a religion-monger, traitor & terrorist.
8. Ummul Mu'minin Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa Rawdiallahu Ta'alaa 'anhu, in the ill efort to dishonour HER, the British introduced/enforced the law of disallowing/stopping child marriage.
9. It is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah to say 20 rakat of Salatul Tarabih. Khatam-e-Tarabih is not Sunnat-e-Muakkadah rather Sunnat-e-Kifaya.
10. According to the direction of Hadith Sharif, Saom (fasting) must be started by watching Moon and Eid must be celebrated by watching Moon. If the sky is cloudy and the Moon is not seen at the date of 29th, the 30th day of Ramadan Sharif needs to be fulfilled. It is Wajib-e-Kifaya to search for the Moon for starting of Ramadan Sharif.
11. Hujur-i-Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, repeated pictorial mockery related to HIM is the expression of permanent enmity of the Jews and Christians towards Islam. The Murtad Mawlanas who allows photo (of living beings) are solely responsible for this.
12. Allah Pak has not made Islam tough, the half doctors and half Mollas want to make Islam difficult/hard for people by directing of taking insulin while fasting.
13. 'Wasila' is a great media. The Wasila of all the Wasila's are Haqqani-Rwabbani Awlia-i-Kiram that is the Tariqat of Pir Murshid(The approach of spiritual teachers).
14. The diseased Soul 'Qualb' does not get purified without Jikr of Qualb.
15. The external Ibadat can not be granted (Makbul) unless establishment of the relation to the 'Qualb' of a Haqqani-Rwabbani Wali-Allah.
16. If any Salat performed by people numbering even one crore keeping a picture (of living beings/animals) in front of them, then all of their Salat will be Makruh(void). Everyone will have to redo the Salat.
2. We are Muslim, Mu'min, Mutta'qi. Being a Muslim, it is completely violation of Shariat to take name as "fundamentalist".
3. Those who deny the clear directions of Shariat are 'Kaafir' (non-believer) like 'Kadiani', that is, they are the new form of 'Kadiani'.
4. It is haram for women to perform salat in Jamat going to Jumuwa Masjid and Eid-gah (Place of saying salat of Eid).
5. The Weekly 2000 which compared 'Kabaa Sharif' with 'Dance House' still has not sought forgiveness. Its editor, publisher, writer are Murtad (Religious outcast). According to shariat, if a Murtad does not make 'Tawbah' within 3 days, his punishment is death penalty. The 'Ulamaye Soo' are playing role of silent devil on this issue.
6. Even the magazine named 'Kishor Kontho' of Jamat-Shibir have done mockery with the name of Huzur-i-Pak Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Until making public "Tawbah" they will be termed as Murtad. They have shown the Jews & Christians the way of disregarding Islam.
7. Matiur, The editor of 'Prothom-Alo' is firm on his activities of Murtad. These happenings are the test cases of Jews & Christians. Khatib Ubai of the Baitul Muqarram Masjid is not any authority of Islam rather he himself is a religion-monger, traitor & terrorist.
8. Ummul Mu'minin Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa Rawdiallahu Ta'alaa 'anhu, in the ill efort to dishonour HER, the British introduced/enforced the law of disallowing/stopping child marriage.
9. It is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah to say 20 rakat of Salatul Tarabih. Khatam-e-Tarabih is not Sunnat-e-Muakkadah rather Sunnat-e-Kifaya.
10. According to the direction of Hadith Sharif, Saom (fasting) must be started by watching Moon and Eid must be celebrated by watching Moon. If the sky is cloudy and the Moon is not seen at the date of 29th, the 30th day of Ramadan Sharif needs to be fulfilled. It is Wajib-e-Kifaya to search for the Moon for starting of Ramadan Sharif.
11. Hujur-i-Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, repeated pictorial mockery related to HIM is the expression of permanent enmity of the Jews and Christians towards Islam. The Murtad Mawlanas who allows photo (of living beings) are solely responsible for this.
12. Allah Pak has not made Islam tough, the half doctors and half Mollas want to make Islam difficult/hard for people by directing of taking insulin while fasting.
13. 'Wasila' is a great media. The Wasila of all the Wasila's are Haqqani-Rwabbani Awlia-i-Kiram that is the Tariqat of Pir Murshid(The approach of spiritual teachers).
14. The diseased Soul 'Qualb' does not get purified without Jikr of Qualb.
15. The external Ibadat can not be granted (Makbul) unless establishment of the relation to the 'Qualb' of a Haqqani-Rwabbani Wali-Allah.
16. If any Salat performed by people numbering even one crore keeping a picture (of living beings/animals) in front of them, then all of their Salat will be Makruh(void). Everyone will have to redo the Salat.